When Should You Go To A Social Media Agency?

Let’s get two things straight: You either think social media is nonsense Or you use it like your life depends on it Regardless of where you sit on the spectrum of approval – because, quite frankly, digital content continues to boom regardless of what your opinion is –...

7 benefits to Know About Restaurant QR Codes

The staffing shortage has become one of the biggest pain points for restaurants today. While not every restaurant owner has adjusted to industry changes in the same way, most agree that it has never been more important to adapt at a moment’s notice. Automation...

Why should you renew your domain name?

The importance of a domain name Domain names are more important than you might at first realize. They’re a big part of your online identity and represent your business. A good domain name offers your business credibility and sets it apart from spammy websites. It...

Negative Effects of Social Media on Business

Social media is a powerful tool for small businesses trying to build a brand, either locally or globally, and generate sales with an online presence. According to Infusionsoft, 71 percent of small businesses planned to use social media content to attract new customers...