How to Start a Small Business at Home

Starting a new business venture isn’t easy, but these six steps will help you make much-needed progress. The first step to starting a small business is coming up with a winning business idea. Ideally, you’ll develop a business venture that interests you and meets a...

How to Create a User-Friendly E-commerce Website

When launching an e-commerce business, your website is a virtual “storefront” for your customers. Not only is it critical for your landing page to clearly articulate what products or services you offer, but it should also be functional and user-friendly. Good user...

10 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills

Years ago, The Conference Board of Canada, an independent, not-for-profit applied research organization, developed Employability Skills 2000+, which lists the critical skills that employees need to succeed in the workplace. Communication skills top the list of...

10 tips to become a successful entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is someone who comes up with ideas, products or services to solve problems for the world. The path of entrepreneurship is built differently for every individual, but all successful entrepreneurs need to be prepared for failure and criticism, and they...