Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I create my Website?

Internet is now an essential communication tool. It allows your customers and prospects to find you from anywhere and at any time. This is your company’s business card. It makes you credible and gives you more visibility face your competitors.

Create your website is an essential step in your business strategy.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a website/blog creation CMS tool. It is extremely flexible, making it easy to recognize your SEO.
Advantage: no need to know the code to make changes in content (text, images, links, …)

What is SEO?

SEO is optimising for search engines. It means that we will work on your website’s on-site and off-site elements to insure visibility on Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

Why should I optimize my Website for search engines?

Today, users (your customers and prospects) looking first on search engines and click on the firsts results. If you are not in the two first pages even the first one, your competitors will take your market share.

What after-sales support do you offer?

We are always available if you need improvements. We also have monthly maintenance packages and offer marketing services to always make your website more efficient.