
If you can find what you’re looking for quickly and easily, it means the website has been designed well, with usability in mind.

A good design will be easy to understand and navigate, helping potential customers find what they need and taking you one step closer to making a sale or getting in touch.


Just like your house, everything in a website needs to have a logical place, helping site visitors easily find what they are looking for. The site navigation needs to be in a logical and consistent place on every single page.  It should be apparent what is the main content on a page and what is secondary, based on size and location.  Everything on a page needs to have a purpose.We have seconds to make an impression and if the organization doesn’t make sense, the visitor will leave.

A Visual Spark

The internet is a visual medium and it’s important to use images or video without overdoing it. Possibilities include slideshows, photo galleries and and YouTube videos

Putting it all together

A website’s design will make the site visitor decide whether to stay and take action or leave – it’s as simple as that.

Here at Mews our professional web designers have custom created thousands of deeply enriching, creative websites and brand enhancing solutions. We have insight-driven teams who deeply understand our customers and deliver on all performance objectives. 

