
To succeed in the travel industry, you need to keep your customers happy and engaged throughout their experience: from that first email touch point, through booking their first trip, even as they’re posting glowing reviews about your company. There are many factors that contribute to a successful travel campaign, as technology continues to raise consumer expectations.

You can combine the power of technology and story-telling to create highly customized travel emails and strike a real chord with the prospective and existing customers for your travel business.

Highly personalized communication and offers:
Travelers now require an increasingly personalized service, with companies able to suggest them customized products on the basis of their profiles and past behaviour. So your emails should be centered around the customers interests and primary details like age and gender, etc. Travel marketers can use this in a very efficient manner. For instance, if someone booked a ‘2 adults and 2 children’ tour with you last year, it would not make sense for you to send them a ‘solo only’ adventure tour this year. Send them family offers instead.

Also, draft your content in a personal manner to create a trusting association with new customers, similar to that of a close personal friend and advisor.

Offer more data:
Brands must tailor their offers to customer interests and needs. And brands must be sure to address in-market customers with content and pricing that is specific to the customer’s travel need at hand. Giving more options to the customers, and keeping them in loop will increase their interest in traveling, and they might end up making more bookings. For example, if you sends facts and experiences about different travel destinations and clubs it in with your own tour information link attached to the CTA. So even though it is a promotional email, it doesn’t appear to be selling at all!


Redemption reminders and Thank you’s:
Remind customers about their voucher, coupon and points based incentives that aren’t redeemed yet. Especially if it is about to expire this type of email is usually appreciated. The expiration also which gives an extra sense of urgency, it can boost direct sales. Also, n thank you email for purchase, being a long time subscriber or writing a review, makes sure they know you appreciate them. Reward their loyalty by giving credits or special discounts to re-engage them in future.

Seamless online transactions:
One major benefit of email is that it is a direct personal contact between you and your customer. Use this benefit for sending out the entire transaction details of bookings and registrations. Help them out by providing in-depth information about their bookings, inform about your company policies and other details like hotel location, routes, places to visit nearby, etc. This builds a trusted bond that is likely to retain your customer’s loyalty to you.

Make Deals Relevant With Weather Targeting:
Weather targeting can increase CTRs by 39%. The more relevant the offer is to your customers at the moment of open, the more likely they are to click-through and convert. Send offers that are relatable to them in terms of weather, choose discounts for suitable locations, and seasonal offers. As an added touch, include GIFs and videos in your email to entice your customers more.

Current and repeat customers deserve special attention. Try to determine what the loyalty drives for your audience are. Email marketing can be utilized to both increase the number of repeat purchases and continued subscriptions. Some other techniques to achieve this could be creating a community of customers, pairing up with social media, storytelling in your newsletters, trying out creative new email designs from time to time, organizing contests for experience sharing within your community of customers via email and community hubs and rewarding them with free trips.

You can contact MEWS to create similar exciting email marketing campaigns.