Did you know that 70% of internet users don’t use Facebook Search, and 50% don’t care about images in search results?

SurveyMonkey Audience and iAcquire, a U.S. digital marketing company, just released a survey about social behavior, which assesses whether age influences how people create and share information.

Here are some key facts:

  • Facebook is aging. Well-known social media are more popular among users over 30. 65% of Facebook and Pinterest users are over 30, while, respectively 55% and 80% of Twitter and Linkedin users are over 30. Other networks like Orkut and Reddit, if it can be called a social network, are used mostly by those from the age of 18-29.
  • Google+ and Pinterest are on the rise. Internet users spent less time on Facebook (4%) in 2012 than in 2011 but more on Google Plus (+80%) and on Pinterest (+1000%).
  • Your mom might be on Facebook, but she still prefers email.People don’t share info through the same channel depending on their age: 75% of 45+ users use email to share info, when 60% of 18-29 users use Facebook to share info.
  • People are private. 75% of users of all age object to sharing their private search data.

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