The search engine as we know it is radically changing.

From a technical point of view, it is evolving from merely a “search” engine into what can rather be called an “answer” engine. This change is already happening right before our eyes and is slowly but surely being integrated into algorithms – practically changing how search will be done in the future. As a business owner or digital marketer, one must have a clear understanding of what constitutes semantic search and how it will affect the way SEO will operate in the near future. First and foremost would be an understanding of the definitions beginning with the basic workings of a traditional search engine.

Previously, search engines crawl and index a particular web page and look at it as a mere string of text elements. It really does not look deeply into the meaning of the words formed by these elements. When someone makes a search, it also creates a pattern of text elements, and what the search engine does is return web pages that best match this same pattern according to rules set by the engine’s algorithms. All these will change in the new era of semantic web. Instead of patterns, algorithms will be reprogrammed to provide search results based on the meaning of the words used for the query. It will try to understand exactly what the user is trying to look, providing a better and more accurate search result.

Digital Marketing Philippines provides you with these amazing facts and statistics to give you a better understanding of Semantic SEO and how it can help you with your digital marketing efforts in the near future.

The infographic:

8 Amazing Facts and Statistics about Semantic SEO