
1. It’s opt-in

SMS marketing relies on consumers to opt in. That means your target audience must first sign up to receive messages about deals and promotions before receiving them.  Opt-in marketing has big benefits for businesses. One is that consumers who receive your messages are already heavily invested in your brand or product; otherwise, they wouldn’t have signed up. Another is that the opt-in model also means you won’t waste time or money bothering customers who aren’t interested. Just like with email marketing, most SMS marketing tools make it fairly easy for users to opt out.

2. It’s engaging

If you’re like most consumers, you probably can’t wait to read a text message when it arrives in your inbox. In fact, the majority of text messages are read within just a couple of minutes after receipt. SMS inboxes, by contract, are largely reserved for messages that demand to be read right now.

3. It’s quick

SMS messages are generally just one or two sentences in length, sometimes including a link to a website with more details about the promotion. Consumers are very likely to read entire messages, simply because they are so short. SMS messages can also be read at the consumer’s convenience, so they aren’t as intrusive as Web pop-ups or telephone calls.

The brevity of SMS messages also benefits the small business owner who is short on time. Planning and deploying a promotion via SMS is quick and easy, and requires much less up-front planning than traditional advertising.

4. It’s interactive

Planning an interactive SMS promotion is a good way to make your message fun and engaging, and there are plenty of ways to do it. Posing your message as part of a questionnaire or poll encourages your target audience to read more closely and become an active participant.

5. It’s cheap

MEWS makes effective SMS marketing in Lebanon and GCC easy indeed – whether you’re brand new to text message marketing or a seasoned hand. To know more don’t hesitate to contact us.

