It is that time of the year when every Middle East brand maintaining it’s presence on Facebook is greeting “Ramadan Kareem” in one form of message or another to their Facebook following.
I happen to follow majority of these brands on Facebook and as a matter of fact yesterday & today my news feed was quite chocked with the Ramadan Messages and I got quite fascinated to observe that some brands chose to add their brand messaging in some form to the creative asset they developed and some brands chose to just let it roll in the festive spirit and no branding added at all.
Go checkout the below collection of 101 different ways of wishing Ramadan Kareem from 101 powerful Brands / Facebook pages in Middle East and figure out which one you like the most. Don’t forget to comment below with your feedback – and if you like it then share this post with your network.
7up Arabia
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank
Air Arabia
Audi Middle East
Axiom UAE
Baskin Robbins Gulf
Braun Arabia
Burger King UAE
Cadillac Arabia
Chevrolet Arabia
Chupa Chups Arabia
Cinnabon Arabia
Clorex Arabia
Close Up Arabia
Coke Studio
Commercial Bank of Dubai
Dominos Pizza KSA
Doritos Arabia
Dubai Islamic Bank
Etisalat UAE
Extra Gum Arabia
Fanta Middle East
Galeries Lafayette Dubai
Garnier Arabia
Glad Arabia
GMC Arabia
Groupon Middle East
Gulf Air
Gulf news
Harvey Nichols Dubai
HP Saudi
Hyundai UAE
Intel Saudi Arabia
Jaguar Mena
Just Falafel
KFC Arabia
Kiri Arabia
Kleenex Arabia
Landrover Mena
Lays Arabia
LG Gulf
LG Mobile Levant
L’OCCITANE en Provence – Middle East
Mashreq Bank
McDonald’s Arabia
Mentos Arabia
Mercedes-benz Middle East and Levant
Meydan Beach
Nescafe Middle East
Nikon Middle East & Africa
Nivea Middle East
Nokia Egypt
Nokia Saudi
Nokia UAE
Noor Islamic Bank
Ooredoo Qatar
Panasonic Middle East
Pepsi Arabia
Philip Beauty ME
Pizza Hut Middle East
Play Station Middle East
QNB Group
Quakar Arabia
Rani Float Juice
Reebonz Arabia
Rexona Arabia
Samsung Egypt
Samsung Gulf
Samsung Levant
Samsung Middle East
Samsung Mobile Arabia
Saudi Arabian Airlines
Sensodyne Middle East
Sharaf DG Online
Sharjah Islamic Bank
Skittles Arabia
Sony Middle East
Splash Fashions
Standard Chartered UAE
STC Saudi Arabia
Subway Arabia
Sunsilk Arabia
Tang Arabia
Tempo Arabia
The Dubai Mall
Toyota Saudi Arabia
Vimto Arabia
Virgin Megastore
Vodafone Qatar
Wendy’s Arabia
Wild Wadi Waterpark
