If you want to make your email marketing campaigns more effective then here are 7 ways to improve your email marketing results today.
1. Be clear about what your subscribers are getting
Most people are wary about signing up to someone’s list unless they know exactly what they’re going to get. They don’t want to give away their email address if they think that they’re going to be spammed.
So be very specific about what the person is going to get when they sign up to your list. This could be a free report, a monthly newsletter, latest tips and special offers etc.
2. Have a clear call to action
By default, most sign up forms use the word “Submit” on the button. It’s a good idea to change it to something else which describes the call to action, such as “Download my free guide” or “Request a quote”.
3. Customise your confirmation success page
When subscribers have clicked the link to confirm that they want to receive emails from you, then you send them to a page on your website which confirms that they have now signed up to your list.
Customise this page so that the subscriber feels like they’re wanted and are going to benefit from being on your list. Perhaps give them a special offer or add a short video of you explaining the benefits of signing up to your list and what they can expect to receive.
4. Add sharing buttons to your email.
A great way of getting your emails shared to a wider audience is to add social media sharing buttons and a “Forward to a friend” link to your emails. This means that your subscribers can easily share your content with their followers and fans.
5. Set up a welcome email
If people are signing up to your list then you want to keep them engaged from the outset. So make sure that you have at least one personalised follow up message that goes out directly they have signed up.
This could be a simple follow up message that reiterates what they are going to get from you as a subscriber to your list.
6. Link your blog to your email list
Most email marketing providers enable you to link your blog so that whenever you post new content, it automatically gets turned into an email. This email can be sent out automatically to your list or you can edit it and then send it out manually.
7. Analyse opens and click throughs and follow up
Always check the stats of any campaign that you send out to see who is engaging with your emails. Don’t be put off by people not opening or clicking through on your messages as this could be down to a number of factors such as time of day or emails ending up in their junk folder.
So follow up on people who appear not to be opening or clicking through to get some feedback and adjust your campaigns accordingly.
Source: http://www.smartva.co.uk/7-ways-to-improve-your-email-marketing-today/